Yes, part of the reason is said puppy (see her cute little face below? She's not so little any more! I'll post a new pic soon). She is a busy, active, dog in training! I think she has ADHD. But more on her later.
We also had a busy "first 8 months of 2007" because of my daughter's wedding in June!!!! Yep, she's now officially hitched. I have lots of pictures to share but for now, here's one that was turned into a layout:
She was an incredibly beautiful bride (and Kyle cleans up pretty darn well too!) and the day turned out so well that I couldn't have asked for better. Of course there are always little things you can pick at and say: "I wish we had done that" or "It might have been better like this" but overall, I have no complaints! Glad it's over, glad it went well, and glad they're legal!
But I hope to change that!! I am planning on spending more time posting - at least a couple of times per week so watch out! You've been forwarned! More ramblings and (hopefully) more artwork to share. I hope you'll visit often!
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