When we assumed that the family was soon going to welcome a baby girl to the fold, I created a name wall hanging for her nursery. It's now been replaced with baby Alexander's wall hanging (which I'll share at a later time) but I thought I would share this creation anyhow, even if this baby won't be using it!
I started with a 12 x 12 cardstock base and I added squares of printed paper that measured about 1 7/8" x 1 7/8". The printed paper was actually made by me also - I scanned sections of the valance that was going to be in the baby's room and printed them on a textured linen paper - the kind you would print business cards on. Cut into squares and a perfect match to the bedding!
Once I arranged the printed squares, I added in black mounted squares with die-cut letters of baby's name. I also made a flower and ladybug from basic die cut shapes and these matched some of the images on the bedding as well. All coordinate-y and girly and then bam! A boy! Not that I'm complaining, mind you - he's the cutest peanut ever!
If you want to see the original bedding and how the name sign matched, you can check out the bedding post here. A big thank you to Jayma Malme for the inspiration to create this!

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