So on the Eve of Thanksgiving, here's my list of 30 things I am thankful for:
1. My relationship with God - even as tenuous as it is at times.
2. My husband who stands by me through thick and thin
3. My children who are my greatest accomplishment and the lights of my life
4. My grandchildren, in heaven and on earth. I love them all....
5. My Mom who is one of my best friends
6. My family - brother, sister, aunt, in-laws...You have all been an influential part of my life
7. Friends - what would I do without you??
8. My job. Even though I complain about it once in awhile, I'm glad I have a job that offers me some flexibility.
9. My home, while not a castle, is comfortable and welcoming
10. My dog - the only other female in the house. You're my pal, Leia!
11. Creativity - relaxing, entertaining and good for my soul
12. My second job at Photography by K - nothing better than working for my best friend!
13. Food. Yeah, I just love it.
14. Television and movies and being able to be a couch potato once in awhile
15. Naptime - for me.
16. Technology. I love new gadgets and gizmos as long as they are useful
17. Animals of all kinds. They make me smile
18. Change of seasons. I like living where we experience heat and snow and everything in between
19. Words - reading and writing
20. Flowers - they can brighten any day!
21. Walt Disney - without him there would be no Disney World- my favoritest place!
22. Photography- a newer hobby for me but I love all the options and images that can be captured on film
23. Solitude. Sometimes it's just nice to have some alone time
24. Good health - taken for granted until you don't have it
25. People with pleasant attitudes - we need more of them.
26. Slippers. Now if I could just wear them to work.
27. A good night's sleep. Doesn't always happen but is great when it does!
28. My Dad - although he's been gone for 25 years, not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for the time I had with him. And this item should be farther up the list!
29. Coca-Cola. My choice of caffeine
30. All my Facebook friends and blog readers. You make my days fun and more interesting!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

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