
A Whole Lotta Nuthin'

The last few days have been fairly quiet. I like it that way, especially when I know I have to help the cranky college student in the house with some paper-typing and other assorted school-related things. Yup, that's going to be the highlight of the weekend, I'm sure. So I've relished a few calm days. Peace. Quiet. Here's what has happened the last few days:
  • Had a sore throat - luckily, it seems to be gone now
  • Contractor finished the ceiling repair in our house due to the tree that fell on it in July
  • My muffler on my car suddenly decided to mimic a freight train
  • I bought a new dog bed...er, sofa for the family room
  • Got caught up on all my TV watching (I love Fall!)
  • Balanced the end of the month books at work in 3 minutes flat. That might be a record.
  • Went on a photo shoot with my photographer friend Kathy and decided she works harder than I'd like to. What can I say?
  • Got my hair cut
  • Went out to dinner with my daughter and friend
  • Weighed in at Weight Watcher (and cried) (not really) (but should have)
  • Went for a walk
  • Shopped for clothes and shoes. Found neither
  • Picked up a cake for someone's birthday on Monday (mine) (yes, I bought my own cake)
  • Finished a baby invite sample for a Petite-Party display
  • Blogged
  • Started a new crafty project that will be posted next week at Mama on the Fly

And that's my idea of calm.

Here's a peek of the baby invite I created - pop over to Moments of your Heart to see the entire card.

Thanks for stopping by!



Karen Clark said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! Hope it was fun!! Enjoy your new, um, dog bed!!