
Happy Birthday Dad

Yesterday was my Dad's Birthday. He would have been 78 years old. This summer marked the 25th anniversary of his passing.

Dad and Mom at a college dance (before marriage)
Dad was just 52 when he died. I will be 52 in a week. We always celebrated our birthdays together.

Dad and brother John
I've been thinking about my Dad a lot lately and missing him as if it was only yesterday that he was here, driving by and honking hello, sticking a gift bow to his forehead, taking his granddaughter (my Aimee) to the latest Disney movie. My son never had a chance to meet him. That makes me sad because I know they would have been the very best buds.

I miss you Dad, and look to the day when we are reunited. Take care of my grandbabies and save a spot for me. I love you always and forever. Happy Birthday.



Terri Davenport said...

What a wonderful tribute post to your Dad. Love the photos! He shares a birthday with my oldest. Austin turned 17 yesterday.