
Happy New Year and Corrosive Challenge

Happy New Year! I am glad to see 2010 go and hope for a better 2011. Do you feel the same way?

I thought it was time for an updated look for this here blog and I hope you like the change. It's going to take me some time to adjust to having the sidebar on the left, instead of the right! It doesn't take much to sometimes throw me for a loop. My blogging goal for 2011 is to post more often between this blog and Ridiculous Lab so I hope you will follow me and see what I'm bringing you through the year. Including video tutorials - if it kills me!!

So on to today's card. Our theme this week at Corrosive Challenges is to create a card using purple and yellow. I needed a masculine birthday card (yesterday was hubby's birthday - my New Year's guy) and I also had little time to get the card done so it needed to be simple. Here's the results:

The paper is from My Mind's Eye and the ticket die and stamps are from Papertrey Ink. The twine that ties the tickets in place is just enough embellishment for a guy card.

We would love to have you join us at Corrosive for this cahhelnge and for all the challenges through the year. There are always great prizes waiting for one lucky player each month so give it a try!

From all of us to all of you, wishes for an outstanding New Year!


  1. Happy New Year Mary!
    Great masculine card, love the ticket die cut!
    Awesome new look on your blog! Love the new header! I've been wanting to change mine to a 3 column, sometime this year I'll get around to it!

  2. Hi Mary, I love this card, such a clean and simple design but the shaded stripes and the multiple sentiments really add some interest :D

  3. super card! happy new year:)


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